How many people do we help?
- We helped 1677 people with information and advice answering 2063 enquires
- 177 people used our learning facilities, 125 accredited qualifications
- We helped 935 people with our welfare rights service filling in forms and other documents gaining £612,647.02 in annualised income.
- We have raised £2959 by contacting charitable organisations to fund items for 15 individuals e.g. wheelchairs, car hoists and special glasses
- We have helped over 100 people with a Social Prescription to take up activities to improve their health and wellbeing
- 216 wheelchairs hired, 2244 Shopmobility scooter hires
- 123 RADAR keys for accessible locks on toilets and countryside gates sold
- Held 12 information and awareness sessions for other local organisations
- Over 3000 enquiries dealt with by the Care Act helpline (provided in partnership with CAB)
What Impact do we have?
- 87% of service users record they have more choice and control
- 91% of service users record they are better informed
- 88% of service users feel more independent
- 92 % of service users more aware of rights
- 72% reduced isolation
Over 50 active volunteers giving over 7000 volunteer hours. Even costed at minimum wage this equals over £50,000. 84% of our volunteers have recorded an improvement in their wellbeing since they have been at the Disability Information Bureau. 10 have gone into employment.
Download full copy of report our Impact Report