Statement of Intent
Our Computer Learning Centre at our Macclesfield office provide friendly and relaxed tutor-led IT courses. These can be group or 1-2-1 sessions depending on individual need. The Disability Information Bureau has helped hundreds of local people develop new skills and gain new independence. We can help you to communicate with friends and family, access local services and find new employment. Our service is available to adults of all ages and abilities; it is not necessary to have disability.
We provide accredited courses through the Open Awards body and also help many more people through our Community Learning (non- accredited) courses.
Courses on offer include, but are not limited to:
- Computer Basics
- Microsoft Office applications (Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Desktop Publishing, Presentations)
- Email and Internet
- Employment related IT (creating CVs, covering letters, etc)
- Advice and training in adaptive technology
For more information, to express interest in a course or to arrange an appointment to discuss your individual requirements, please contact us via the details below.
Our learning programme meets local needs in the following ways:
- Our provision aligns with CELL, LAP and LEP priorities to increase learner skills and employability with a focus on those with disabilities; mental health issues; low skills; and the unemployed.
- In Cheshire and Warrington there are approximately 19,400 that are economically inactive due to long-term ill-health (Source: LEP Skills and Education Plan). Many have complex social and health problems that prevent them from training, learning and moving into employment. We specialise in breaking down those barriers.
- We have provided learning opportunities for 15 years and employment support for 9 years, and our courses are regularly full to capacity.
- We are located in Macclesfield town centre and accessible by public transport from a number of LSOAs identified as a priority by CELL.
- We receive referrals from JCP, CVSCE, CAB and other local organisations that work with people seeking work.
- Help locally is limited; Local libraries offer only 1 hour of free internet per day for members.
- As a Disabled Person User Led Organisation (DPULO) our users inform the services that we deliver; we regularly provide learning and employment support as requested. Statistics show that disabled people are 3 times less likely to hold any qualifications compared to non-disabled people (Office Disability Issues). Nationally, 79% of working-age non-disabled people are in employment compared to just 46% of working-age disabled people - DWP Fulfilling Potential Update 2015
We have an accessible centre with height adjustable desks and a range of adaptive technology, mice and keyboards to suit the needs of learners who may have a disability or sight impairment.
What effect does our learning have on learners’ lives and on others in their community or family as a result?
Our courses will:
- Improve confidence, IT skills, and in turn the employability of the learners who attend. This may lead to further learning, volunteering and /or employment. Ultimately, it is the learners self-esteem that will improve, which will have a positive impact on those around them.
- Improving their ICT skills, allows learners to assist their children with homework, increase awareness of e-safety, and encourage families to recognise the value of learning and learn together.
- Many of our learners go on to take up further opportunities in the local community including volunteering.
- Our inclusive environment, which includes embedding British Values and Equality within content, promotes understanding of diversity and changes attitudes within communities.
- Create opportunities for learners to achieve qualifications and apply for jobs.
- Reduce the potential social isolation and loneliness of learners and improves quality of life and wellbeing, by becoming part of a positive group in the community.
What are the next steps or progression routes for our Learners?
When learners come to the end of a course, the tutors will discuss their achievements and what they would like to do next. Our tutors have a wealth of local knowledge to be able to provide IAG to the learners.
Options for next steps can include (although not exclusive to):
- Further courses we can offer in our organisation
- Further learning options with other provisions e.g Macclesfield College
- Opportunities to use out employment services, we have 2 provisions where a learner is assigned a Mentor to help them overcome barriers to work.
- Opportunities to Volunteer with us or with other organisations
- Information and help with referrals to other groups locally. For example Carers support groups.
We care about our learners and do our best to offer support or find the appropriate people to support them.
If you are interested in a course please call 01625 501759 or email info@dibservices.org.uk to book an appointment.