Unfortunately, we are no longer offering this service in partnership with the British Red Cross.
British Red Cross still operate the scheme and can still offer the short-term or temporary loan of wheelchairs to anyone who has a disability e.g. after a short illness or operation, to enable someone to return to work or school more quickly or to take a holiday or day trip.
They provide wheelchairs:
- you can push yourself in (self-propelled)
- someone else can push in (transit)
- to suit your size and weight – from extra small (suitable for children over five) to extra large
- with accessories, e.g. leg extension.
Mobility aids, Knutsford is now the closet outlet to Macclesfield and surrounding areas.
To reserve a wheelchair, please call- 01565 682327
Alternatively, you can email them on; MASTelford@redcross.org.uk
They aim to respond to your email within 2 working days.
Address: Memorial House, Northwich Road, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 0AW